Yiwu Guanlong Garment Accessories Co., Ltd.
Why Choose Us
Our advantages:
1. Professtional:we have focus on these business for more than ten years.
2. Reliable quality: we have many means of testing and examination and own research team.
3. Good service: we always keep in touch our clients for 24 hours. Thanks for you attention about Yiwu guanlong garment accessories company.Hope we can have a longterm cooperation in near fucture.
Our service:
we are professtional manufacturer and supplier about metal garment accessories,such as buttons, eyelets and rivets, zippers adn sliders, metal tags, hooks and loops;a vatiety of solar modules, pet supplies and so on. We also supply related production machinery about above products.
In the past 15 years, we have been provided a wide range of high qulality and good price garment accessories, related metal machinery and different kinds of solar modules, pet supplies which are expored to all over the world.
Our company register in Jinhua city, Zhejiang. But our factory located in " capital of metal products"---Foshan, Guangdong province. In those area, the quality and producing technoglogy of garment accessories and solar modules is NO.1 in China.
Our goals:
Yiwu Guanlong Garment accessories Co., Ltd. always cherish the quality of products as our life. We usually upgrade our machinery equipment to make sure our quality, the products will be in next testing and examination stage when finish producing. Meanwhile, we have our own research team to ensure development and quality of new products.
Our advantages:
(1) Professtional:we have focus on these business for more than ten years.
(2) Reliable quality: we have many means of testing and examination and own research team.
(3) Good service: we always keep in touch our clients for 24 hours.
Best wishes with you that business going in a hurry.
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